Sunday, March 23, 2014

Skills on Skills

There are so many "skills" that an average person should be able to task before they are "grown up". As a future educator I believe that is is our duty to help our students learn as many of the 21st skills as possible. In the younger grades we are supposed to encourage the students to have and display their own creativity. We also are supposed to let them have a sense of imagination. Currently in the public schools, I don't see a lot of that going on. There are too many teachers worried about their students tests scores and what the whole class percentage is going to be. I think there should be more of an opportunity to let our students be MORE creative and have more problem solving situations. Those types of skills is what they are going to use for the rest of their life. In some students home situations there is not an opportunity for having an imagination or having fun. In the classroom there should be time in our daily schedule for the students to be able to have fun and let their imagination out. Every student is going to be different in the way they learn or let that out, but it's so hard to incorporate that when the teachers are just worries about scores. For me it is all about the children and passing on the knowledge that I am teaching them. I will try my best to incorporate as many "live related" skills through my teachings and lessons.

I think every student should have the opportunity to learn about other cultures and places other than their own. Now a days I think it is more of a norm than not to have teachers be more "culturally aware." I know that I plan to be open and interested about different cultures of students and incorporating that into my classroom. It is also important to be culturally aware when you are dealing with parents and with co-workers. 


  1. My mom is a teacher and when I read the posts of future educators, I kind of know what you're writing about. I am familiar with the terms, Common Core, No Child Left Behind. I'm glad you plan on letting the kids know about other cultures. I wish we had done more of that when I was in school.

  2. I totally agree with you! It worries me that teachers now are so focused on test scores. I have that at some schools teacher salaries depend on their class's test scores. This perspective is totally wrong. A child may memorize every mathematic formula, but if they never practice problem-solving, they'll never survive in the work force. We can't just feed our students the answers; we must give them opportunities to be creative. I enjoy reading your blogs! You'll be a great teacher!

  3. I think that test scores are focused on too much as well! I am glad that as a future educator, you are planning to implement critical thinking skills as well as cultural learning into your class.

  4. Its awesome that you are becoming a teacher, such a great field to go in! Its smart how you are wanting to let children know about other cultures when you become a teacher. Cultural Awareness is becoming a more widespread thing for children, and I think thats a great thing!
