When thinking about intercultural communication the movie Eat Pray Love came to my mind. The movie Eat Pray Love comes from the book where a woman, Elizabeth Gilbert, wants to find and add purpose to her life. She wants to travel to three different destinations looking for different things/feelings along the way. The first is Italy to learn Italian and regain her love of food. The second is India at the ashram of David's yogi to achieve some spiritual peace in her life. And third is Indonesia to reconnect with the medicine man Ketut Liyer to see if he can provide any more insights into her life. Although she sticks to her geographic plan, she often experiences things along the way she didn't expect. During her travels she had to learn and find the different cultures and ways to communicate with the people there. In each destination there were people who spoke English that she could communicate with, but she had to learn different aspects of the three different cultures. This movie gives us different snips of the Italian, Indian, and Indonesian cultures, but this is just Liz Gilbert's view and outcome from those cultures. Each person can interpret and take different cultures different ways. In a way this video can give us one perception, and if we visited our selves we could get a whole different experience and outcome from it. I know that the first time that I saw this video it made me want to travel to those places because of the experience that she had. In reality, if I did travel to those places I would probably get a totally different experience. I am sure that this summer when we go on our trip none of us will have the same experience or opinion about the culture because we are all different. I am so excited to get to see and take in new experiences! Different movies that we watch can give us good and bad perceptions on different cultures. No matter what we need to have an open and excepting mind about everyone's views and differences in different cultures. Being respectful is most important!